Monday, January 18, 2010

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

My stomach is aching,
My head is spinning,
All this keeps me wonderin
What is actually happening..?

And so, to the kitchen i go,
To get myself a cup of coco,
After that, I felt like wow,
So now only I know,
That I am hungry yo~~!

I really don't know how to start, so i decided to start with a poem, a real weird one though.. haha! But hey, at least i tried right..

So anyways, today I'll be writing about food!!
*sings* Food, Glorious Food~~!! hehehe

Malaysia is a multiracial country. We come from Malay, Chinese, and Indian backgrounds. There are also other ethnics like Kadazan Dusun, Murut, Iban and many more.This diversity had resulted to a wi
de varieties of cuisine. Here in Malaysia, there is plenty of food to chose. Which is great for me coz i really enjoy eating! ^_^

Today, I'll present to you 1 of my favorite food of all time.


This is actually Malaysia's national dish. It is what we call it the 'nasi lemak'. A direct translation to is kinda funny, it is the 'fat rice'. It is not really made with
animal fat, veg fat or whatever fat what so ever, but it consist a lot of fat. It's rice is not cooked the norma
l way, but coconut milk is added to it. Screw pine leaves (daun pandan) and ginger is also added for fragrance.

'Nasi lemak' comes with 'sambal', a hot
spicy sauce, as its core. Other than 'sambal', it usually comes with hard boiled egg, fried anchovies, roasted peanuts, and a few slices of cucumber. But to add variety to it, it can be served with fried chicken, cuttlefish sambal (sambal sotong), convolvulus (kangkong) and omlet.

Traditionally, 'nasi lemak' is wraped in banana leaf. And it has a triangle, pyramid-like shape. Like this..

This dish really is a national dish, as it is favoured by all races in Malaysia. It can also be eaten at any time of the day, as breakfast, lunch or even dinner!

I think the best way to eat this 'nasi lemak' is by using your hands (which is how Malays and Indians eat) and drink a cup of 'kopi O' (coffee with sugar) with it...
Emmmmm.... Nyummyy~~~

Sunday, January 17, 2010

WHERE is Malaysia???

South East Asia

According to the map above (hee~~ sorry for the bad lining..), Malaysia is located in the middle of South East Asia
, with neighbouring country like Indonesia, Singapore, Brunei, Philippines and the rest you can see for your self..To talk about it geographically, it is bordered by Thailand in the north, Indonesia in the south, and the Philippines in the east.

Malaysia is a country that consist of 13 states namely Johor, Kedah, Kelantan, Melaka, Negeri Sembilan, Pahang, Perak, Perlis, Pulau Pinang, Selangor, Terengganu, Sabah and Sarawak. You must be wondering "hey! where's Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia's capital)??".. Well, Kuala Lumpur is not a state but it is a federal territory, which I'm not quite sure what that is.. haha.. But I think it is where the country's administrative office is at, if there is such a thing.. Administrative office??
So, other than Kuala Lumpur, Labuan and Putrajaya is also a federal territory.

Malaysia is divided into two : Peninsular Malaysia(west Malaysia) with 11 states and East Malaysia(situated on the island of Borneo) with 2 states..

Well, guess that's all for the intro.. Hope this post could help you learn a little bit about a country that I'm proud to call, my home.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Proud To BE Malaysian

MALAYSIA (color : white)

Hmm.. Something just struck me today.. In order to create a strong and respectable country, the citizens must build a strong love and appreciation towards it first, then only other people from other countries would feel the same way about it too..

Malaysian flag : The JALUR GEMILANG

So, i've decided, instead of writing about other country, a country which i've never been to although i'm dying to go there, i might as well just write about a country of my own, Malaysia. Malaysia Truly Asia.
I'll be talking about our culture, traditions, food, beliefs, games and every single thing that i could think of.. And hopefully every single thing that you would like to know.. ^_^
But i guess i would be posting a little bit of Korean occasionally too..

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I'm Just A Girl With A Dream

this is Seoul everyone... ^_^

Korea had become one of the most famous countries right now and it's getting even more famous by day. Not just it's popularity that is growing but also my interest in them and my eagerness to visit that beautiful country and perhaps live there and become a Korean someday. It's not that I'm not happy living in my country, but it's just that i had fell in love with Korea and i just felt that i need something new in my life and get on an adventure just to spice it up, you know...

Well, everything starts from a little imagination right.. And a little hope.. Hehe~~